(Unrelated note: Today is Fauxpocalypse's first book birthday!!! :) *throws confetti and chocolate for anyone reading this* At about 12:30 today, all of the authors got an e-mail confirming that it was published. So yeah, I'm pretty excited.)
Onto the actual post, I'm shamelessly stealing this from Cait at "Paper Fury," though she did tell me to go ahead and steal it, so I'm not sure it counts as stealing anymore. But it looked like so much fun, I couldn't resist!
1. Which heroine would you trade places with?
Unfortunately, a lot of heroines in the books I read end up in sucky situations, sometimes even dying at the end of the series. But I would happily switch with Hermione Granger for the chance to go to Hogwarts for a few years. (Yeah, I know she's technically not the main character of the series, but she may as well be, so hush.)
2. Which heroine would you push off a cliff and hope that there are some jagged rocks at the bottom?
Yikes, I don't know if I'd wish that on anybody! (Okay, Voldemort kind of had it coming, and I'm not too happy with Lucifer from "Supernatural" at the moment, but other than those two, no jagged rocks.)
3. Heroine you couldn't care less about? They're so bland that they don't even trigger the hate in you?
Bland characters are the worst. I'd rather hate a character than feel nothing about them, because I'd actually be feeling some kind of strong emotion. Heroines that come to mind when someone says "boring" is Clary from the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, Heather from Panic by Lauren Oliver (she was so boring, I had to look up the book on Goodreads so I could remember what her name was), and Callie from Starters by Lissa Price.
4. Heroine you thought you wouldn't like and ended up liking and vice versa?
I thought I would like Clary more than I did, and it's not that I didn't like her, she was just . . . blah. I didn't expect to like Lilac from These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner, because she seemed like a stuffy, wimpy, spoiled brat at first, but I ended up loving her.
5. Side heroine who is much more interesting than main heroine?
I'm going to go ahead and steal Cait's answer for this one and say Isabelle from the Mortal Instruments series. She's super kick-butt, sarcastic, and a fierce protector of her family. She and Simon are also my OTP from the Mortal Instruments, Magnus and Alec aside.
6. Which heroine would you want as your friend?
Hermione, Hazel from The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, Eleanor from Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell, Cath from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, Ellie from the Ellie Sweet series by Stephanie Morrill, Cress from Cress by Marissa Meyer, Ramona from the Ramona and Beezus series by Beverly Cleary, and Flora from Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo, to name a few.
7. Which heroine do you wish would just CHOOSE (between the guys in her little love triangle)?
Love triangles drive me crazy, because there's almost always the one obvious choice and the guy I can't stand. Rarely am I as torn as the heroine. But the Katniss/Peeta/Gale triangle was the worst one for me, because there was absolutely no chemistry between Katniss and Gale.
8. "Bad girl" heroine?
I can't think of any "bad girl" heroines at the moment. Not in the way they're implying it.
9. "Good girl" heroine?
Ellie Sweet from the Ellie Sweet series by Stephanie Morrill. Helps out around the house, gets along with her family, all A's in school, etc.
10. Your favorite heroine of them all? (If you can't choose, pick your top 3.)
Hermione Granger!
I tag anyone who wants to participate! :)
Friday, December 19, 2014
The Heroine Tag
blog meme,
The Magic Violinist

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Huzzah for Hermione Granger!! She's totally a heroine in the series. I stand behind you on this one.
Also: Hermione and Hazel and Eleanor and Cath and Flora are all remarkable characters and I'd love to be friends with most/all of them. Again, stellar choices! ;)
@Taylor Lynn I knew I'd have backup from the Harry Potter fandom! ;)
Right?! Fictional characters rule. I'd hang out with almost anybody from every book I read (except for the villains, of course).
Fun meme. Hermione is for sure a great one, no question.
I love that the actress who played her is also so great. All the work that Emma Watson is doing for women's rights is fantastic!
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