Friday, January 24, 2020

College Dorm Room Tour

Since I just started my second semester at college, I thought I'd give you a tour of my cozy, colorful dorm room. I love how it's set up; it's the closest thing to home even though I'm far from home because of how many pictures and familiar objects I've used to decorate the room. If you're headed off to school soon yourself, hopefully this will give you some ideas.

Here's a shot of my room right after we set it up when I moved in. A little has changed here and there (more pictures on the walls, etc.), but this is basically what it looks like.

I opted for twinkle lights over curtains around the window, which makes for really nice soft lighting when I'm going to sleep.

Josh's mom got me the photo holder before I went to school, which was super sweet, and then two cast mates of mine from "Beauty and the Beast" got me the plant and the framed picture on the far right. I use this windowsill all the time as a nightstand for my books and mugs of tea.

I wasn't planning to go with a pink/purple theme, but once I got a couple things for the room, I stuck with the color scheme. The rug is super soft and comfortable when I get out of bed in the morning.

I realized last minute that I needed something for my books, so my dad got me a couple crates and I painted them.

This is probably my favorite part of the room. I love sitting at my desk with the lights on my photo clips. The sunflowers were a gift from Josh after a show. It adds so much brightness to the room!

A friend of mine sent a Halloween care package to me, so I taped fall leaves to the wall to add a little seasonal decoration. It was so nice and unexpected!

My closet is big enough for me to stand inside and change my clothes, which is really cool and very unexpected for a dorm room, LOL.

And finally, I hang up every drawing Josh gives me so I can look at them anytime I want. They're gorgeous!

How do you decorate your room/office/cozy space? Do you like photos and twinkle lights as much as I do? Leave a comment!


Boquinha said...

I loved shopping with you and helping you set up your room and make it organized, cozy, and homey. It totally suits you! I'm glad it feels like a home away from home. <3

The Magic Violinist said...


Me too, it was really fun! :)

Boquinha said...

It was fun . . . even if I totally got emotional in the check-out line at TJ Maxx. :P

The Magic Violinist said...


LOL, it was to be expected. ;P

Emily Mora said...

I love that your dorm feels like such a comfortable space.