October is upon us, and for me, that means a few things:
1. NaNoWriMo planning (*screams quietly while staring at a mess of a Word document filled with manic notes*)
2. Halloween costume planning (Wait until you see what I did this year)
3. A new season of "Supernatural!!!!!!!!"
I've already watched the first episode and WOW are we "Supernatural" fans in for a wild ride. But while we're bemoaning various cliffhangers and realizing we have to wait a week or longer for much needed answers, here are some books you can read with a touch of something "Supernatural" to it to tide you over.
Warning: Mild "Supernatural" spoilers ahead!
1. Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
I'm only 25 pages in, but I know what the story is, and I can already tell it's going to be great. There's literally a character named Crowley. How much more do you need?
All right, but besides that, it's also super funny and deals with the apocalypse. What happens when the anti-christ named Adam . . .
. . . grows up with the wrong family and thus isn't properly prepared to bring about the end of the world?
2. Contaminated by Em Garner
Zombies! Family drama! The oh-so-complicated question of what to do when your family member has literally turned into a monster!
3. Misery by Stephen King
It'd be kind of impossible to leave a Stephen King novel off this list, so here we are. Annie is like the ultimate "Supernatural" big bad: off-putting, deceptive, and surprisingly strong. Imagine Lucifer torturing Sam in the cage. Now imagine Sam is a writer and Stephen King wrote the story.
4. The Host by Stephenie Meyer
Aliens aren't exactly on the same level as paranormal creatures, but they still make for an awesome story. Especially when possession is involved! (She said, with entirely too much glee.) I love the conflict that comes from various characters trying to figure out whether or not Wanda (the alien possessing Melanie) is a villain simply because she's an alien. Just like all those times in "Supernatural" when Sam and Dean argued over whether monsters are just monsters, period, or if some monsters can be good guys, too.
5. You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day
In case any of you miss Charlie as much as I do.
6. The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong
Gotta love shapeshifters. And an addictive plot with plenty of twists and turns. I devoured the whole trilogy in less than a week, so this should definitely keep you busy until the next episode.
7. Fairest by Marissa Meyer
If there's one thing "Supernatural" does well (and they do so many things well), they know how to create fresh and interesting villains. Some villains are straight up evil (*cough* Metatron *cough*) and some are a little more complicated than that. Crowley, for instance, as even the Winchesters had to team up with him a few times. Fairest is able to show just how easily a good person can go down the wrong path.
8. If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Now there's nothing paranormal about this, but, it deals with someone who's lingering perilously between life and death and it's guaranteed to make you bawl like a baby. In other words, every season finale of "Supernatural" ever.
9. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
What book would you recommend to a "Supernatural" fan? Who's your favorite "Supernatural" villain? Leave a comment!
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
9 Books to Read If You Like "Supernatural"
If You Like,
The Magic Violinist

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Fun list! Even as someone who doesn't watch Supernatural, I still like to see how you come up with these ideas and the reasoning behind it. Well done! (Some of those GIFs, though - UGH.) :P
SHIVER YES.😍 And omg Good Omens made my LIFE when I read it because it was like directly out of SPN. (I mean that angel...I know he's not Cas and I can't remember how to spell his name, but he and Crowley are such the ship😂 I love it so much.) And I confess I haven't actually finished the last Season of SPN. I cry. I was really frustrated with it and feel like it's not as good as it used to be. WHICH SUCKS BECAUSE IT'S MY FAVOURITE SHOW. However I will catch up this year as soon as I can!
Oh and I'd recommend The Raven Cycle.😂 (Mostly because I always recommend it ahem.) And Gap Year in Ghost Town is an Aussie one so probably not well known but it is SO like the earlier seasons of SPN it's amazing!
GOOD OMENS. YES. And it's interesting that that's the scene that made you think of Misery - any form of fans giving other fans a bad name always makes me think of Becky. I was thinking specifically of the wedding episode.
I'm only on season eleven of SPN right now, but, let's be honest, at this point I'm in too deep to stop before I find out how it ends. :')
And even if you don't watch Supernatural, the description behind certain aspects of the book might still appeal to you! (Though the gifs might not be so appealing.)
Oh my gosh, the snark and sass is so like Supernatural. I haven't seen much of the angel yet, but I can't wait. xD
Whaaaaa???? You have to catch up! 13 is already off to a strong start! Although I agree, the quality can go up and down a little. I enjoyed 12 a lot, but not as much as some of the others.
I've never heard of Gap Year in Ghost Town, but I'm looking it up now . . .
Oh wow, Becky didn't even cross my mind, but you're totally right! That episode was . . . let's just say "special." Hilarious and also disturbing.
oaidfjoaidjk I LOVE season eleven. Get ready for a wild ride.
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