Friday, September 9, 2016
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!
I (ever so politely) stole the Coffee Book Tag from Lara over at "Another Teen Reader." If you haven't yet read her blog, do so now. It's fantastic.
And now, as I sip my own coffee, let's get on with the tag.
Black: Name a series that's tough to get into but has hardcore fans.
Two come to mind right away: A Song of Ice and Fire and The Mortal Instruments. Just look at how big and intimidating those books are! And there's so many of them! Not to mention the first book of each can be preeeetty slow with all that set up. But man, there are diehard fans. And some slightly defensive fans for TMI. Well, I say slightly . . . You so much as mention not having a 5-star opinion of one of the books and prepare for the possibility of being cornered by a very angry Shadowhunter. I feel like each day that passes where the next Game of Thrones book hasn't come out yet results in rising anger for fans of the series. I'm surprised no one's trying to break down his door to pull a Misery.
Peppermint mocha: Name a book that gets more popular during the winter or a festive time of year.
Definitely Shiver. You feel cold when you're reading it, and everything about it just screams winter. I mean, look at that cover!
Hot chocolate: What is your favourite children's book?
I won't say Harry Potter, because everyone knows that already. Books that especially stand out from my childhood are the Magic Treehouse series and the Thoroughbred series. I could read a book from each series in one night, and sometimes I'd devour four before bed. Each series easily has 70+ books, and I know I read tons of each before I outgrew them. It got to the point with Thoroughbred that I'd already read every copy the library had, so I started buying the next books online and donating them.
Double shot of espresso: Name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.
Non. Stop. Action. So much time travel and mystery and aoisdjglkjd I can't rave about this book enough. I'm pretty sure I've bought copies for at least two of my friends' birthdays.
Starbucks: Name a book you see everywhere.
I'm pretty sure I'm a horrible bookworm for even admitting to not having read this book yet. Every book blogger I know has either read it or heard of it. Why haven't I picked it up? I DON'T KNOW. I need to, that much I know.
That hipster coffee shop: Give a book by an indie author a shoutout.
Eep. I'm not sure I even know of any indie authors . . .
Oops! I accidentally got decaf: Name a book you were expecting more from.
I was super excited for this book because, hello, it's Supernatural. But it was basically really bad fan-fiction that couldn't even get the facts about how Sam and Dean looked right. #Disappointed
The perfect blend: Name a book or series that was both bitter and sweet but ultimately satisfying.
Let's talk about If I Stay here for a second and ALL THE FEELS it gave me. I would be laughing one second and crying the next, but I loved every minute of it, even when I closed the book as a blubbering mess. The movie was fantastic, too.
Tag, you're it! Comment a few responses or steal this tag for your own blog. How do you like your coffee? (I like creamer in mine, preferably a flavored kind.) If you don't like coffee, what's your hot drink of choice? Tea? Hot chocolate? Cider? (Because cider should only ever be hot. Otherwise it's just apple juice.)
blog meme,
The Magic Violinist

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What a cool idea for a post. It's always fun to see what you're reading, what you want to read, how you feel about what you're reading, and . . .
I remember all of those MTH and Thoroughbred books. What a fun time for you. You could NOT get enough and we could NOT keep up.
And I think the success of GRRM's survival plan is that the TV show is coming out right on schedule. Enough readers of the series are starting to migrate to the show and have given up on ever reading the next book that any mass outrage would involve one pitchfork, a torch, and 3 people speaking in just-louder-than-library voices somewhere in the general vicinity of his home. If they can muster up the caring to even be bothered.
Mmmm, creamer for sure. And I love green tea with milk in it. And I love this post. And I love you. And I love Gilmore Girls! :D
I don't drink coffee. Or tea. I don't really like hot drinks at all. The occasional hot chocolate is the exception. I drink a LOT of orange juice, both pure and cordial.
I didn't even know there were any Supernatural books. I've seen books for Doctor Who and Merlin, but never Supernatural.
You always steal tags ever so politely, Kate! It's interesting how you took some of the categories in such a different way than I did, as well ... this is why I love it when people steal tags from me. And yes, you really do need to read The Scorpio Races
@Dr. Mark
I devoured those books faster than Eleven devours Eggo waffles. It helped that they were short. xD
Thank goodness for the TV show, because otherwise he'd be in real trouble. Maybe the last few really angry fans will form an "I Hate George R.R. Martin" club like Ross and Will in "Friends" did with Rachel.
I'm glad I gave tea a second chance all those years ago. It's been a great discovery! And really, "Gilmore Girls" was the only show to pair with this tag. ;)
Hot chocolate is always the exception, because really, who can hate it?! It's chocolate.
I've read one or two pretty good "Doctor Who" books. I found another "Supernatural" book by another author that has a way better rating on Goodreads, so I might give that one a chance.
@Lara Liz
Thank you, I try. ;)
Same here. I like seeing everyone's interpretations of the tag. Especially when they name a book that makes me go, "now why didn't I think of that?!"
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