Wednesday, October 31, 2012

NaNoWriMo!!!! :D

First of all, Happy Halloween, Everyone! :D We had mummy hot dogs for lunch and Thing 2 made a haunted house for us. (It was really a haunted room, but it involved a chair moving by itself and a dead owl. Very creepy).

But what I really wanted to talk about was NaNoWriMo! :D Today is October 31st, as you all know, so that means that tomorrow is the start of another National Novel Writing Month! My word count goal this year is 40,000. Next year I'll be going for 50,000.

My dad even made these awesome charts to keep track of our word goal. Thing 2's chart was a role playing game theme and Mommy's was "The Wizard of Oz." Daddy's chart is a music note and mine is a sun.

I'm going to be coloring it in with yellow (of course).

I've made a few buddies on the Young Writer's Program website that I have never met, and made a few blogging friends along the way. Most of them LOVE Harry Potter almost as much as I do.

 My story this year is going to be set in medieval times. Every single one of the characters is going to have a few personality traits that are like someone I know. For example, the two main characters of my book (Katherine Fauccet and Kristen Willowfeather) are going to be a little bit like me and my best friend. They aren't going to be exactly like us, but a little. My mom even gave me the idea to have silver tinsel in Katherine's hair to have the shiny aspect of braces, since there was no such thing as braces back then.

My story is going to be called "Secrets" and is going to be about two peasant girls (Katherine and Kristen) who are best friends and find out that one of the queen's maids is plotting a rebellion after they find her diary full of secrets. When they figure out that the rebellion involves an army of evil magical creatures, they decide to go to the Forest of Yojar and try and create their own army of good magical creatures so they can stop the evil maid.

I've been using this awesome website ( to get some great fantasy names that sound a lot like the characters from Lord of the Rings.

I'm really excited to start NaNoWriMo this year! :D

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A B See Photo Challenge

For everyone who likes photography (or wants to get into photography), this post is definitely for you.

I found this challenge on a blog I recently discovered called "Musings From Neville's Navel." It's called the "A B See Photo Challenge." I changed the rules a bit. Here are the rules for myself:

1. The theme of the challenge is the alphabet. For example, when I take photos for "A" the theme must be something that starts with "a." So I could take photos of autumn, apples, anything that is orange, etc.
2. The letters must be done in order.
3. Old photos can't be used. The photos you use must be fairly recent and you must take the photo.
4. You must provide a description for each photo. For example, what the name of the photo is, where I took the photo, and what I like about the photo.
5. Have fun! :D

I will start this challenge soon, and I invite everyone to do it along with me! :D

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blog Carnival-Halloween

Hello, everyone! :D This is my second blog carnival! :D If you would like to see the winner of my first blog carnival, click HERE.

Here are the rules:

1. I am the host of this Blog Carnival, so I get to choose the topic. The topic of this Blog Carnival is "Halloween".
2. Now each and every one of you can write a short story (fictional or true) about Halloween and post it on your blog. You must have a link to my blog at the end of your post. The word limit is five hundred.
3. After you have posted your story on your blog, give me the link to your post, either by e-mail or by commenting on my blog.
4. The end of the carnival is October 31. That's two weeks. You must have steps 2 and 3 completed by then for it to be entered in the Blog Carnival contest.
5. After I have read all of your stories and the deadline has passed, I'll choose the winner of the Blog Carnival contest. The winner gets their story posted on my blog. I am judging based on creativity and just good writing.

Have fun! :D I hope to see you all host your own Blog Carnival sometime. ;)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Haiku Wednesday

So many colors
That autumn brings to us when
The leaves start to change.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog Carnival: And the winner is . . .

Thank you to everyone who entered my Blog Carnival! :D The deadline passed three days ago, so if you wanted to enter and didn't get a chance, you can enter my next one, if you would like. ;)

Now for the winner! :D The winner is . . .

Didi at "Didi Readin' in the Rain"! :D Here is her story titled Fear:


  I was running through the woods, on a dark stormy night. Lightning was striking everywhere within two feet of myself. I had dropped my basket miles back, groceries flying everywhere. My heart was pounding so hard that I thought I would burst any second, and my feet were aching. Who knew that  on a night like this, I would be left alone with wolves running loose and me running for my own life. Every Midsummer's eve, the wolves break through their boundaries, and start running wild to feast on whatever they can get their paws on. I hoped that this year, I wouldn't be that. My parents would never dream of letting their daughter stay home alone tonight, let alone send me to walk to the store. Or so I thought. I never knew that fear could be so strong. Just then, I jerked forward in my bed, exhausted, and all tangled in bed sheets. There was sweat all over my forehead. Phew! It's only a nightmare. 

Congratulations, Didi! :D And the most creative story goes to Julia at "British 'A' Aligator"! Thanks again, and I hope to have even more entrants during my next Blog Carnival! :D

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Haiku Wednesday-School

This is a Haiku I wrote for school titled "School"! :D


Crayons and pencils,
Markers, paint, paper, and books.
Things you'd find in school.

Blog Carnival Reminder

Just a reminder for everyone that wants to enter my Blog Carnival: The deadline is in two days, so if you have a story you would like to enter, please e-mail me or post a comment! :D For those of you who need to know how to enter, click HERE. Have fun! :D