Thursday, November 1, 2018

Taking a Hiatus Because NaNoWriMo is Intense

I, like many other bloggers and writers, am once again taking on the daunting, difficult, demanding challenge called NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).

Why would I attempt to write 50,000 words during one of the busiest months of the year? Because I'm an overachiever like that. For some reason, thousands of writers around the world find it invigorating to take on the stress and insanity of squeezing 1,667 words a day between all of the other obligations we have.

This month, not only am I doing NaNoWriMo, but I'm also:

-Acting as one of the Municipal Liaisons for my NaNoWriMo regions (seriously, I just can't get enough of it)
-Going to rehearsals four times a week for "Charlotte's Web" (to be performed in December)
-Taking voice lessons and rehearsing for a Christmas cabaret with all of the other vocal students
-Going on two out-of-state trips
-Preparing for Christmas
-Applying to scholarships for college
-Continuing all of my other writing commitments (monthly posts for "The Write Practice," book blurbs for my local library newsletter, etc.)
-I should probably try to do dishes and get dressed and stuff each day? Maybe?
-Something else I'm probably forgetting

So with all that in mind, I'm taking a blogging hiatus until December, because I definitely don't have time to write any other blog posts other than this one. Already, it'll be a miracle if I'm able to get to this stage by the end of the month:

Then again, I'm an extremely competitive person by nature, so I'm determined to finish those 50,000 words, no matter the cost. I've already got great strategies in mind for how to conquer this.

And as I write this post, my NaNo novel is calling to me. I'm at 1,100 words right now, so let's see if I can crank out another 600 before I have to leave for vocal rehearsal. I'll be back in December!

I know it's only day 1, but how's your NaNoWriMo novel going? Are you pumped about the upcoming month or already dreading the next 29 days? Leave a comment!


Hannah said...

Oh wow, you are swamped! Good luck this November. I hope Captain Darling is fabulous! ;) XD

Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight said...

Good luck with NaNo, and the 239789 other things you have going on this month! I don't blame you at all for taking a hiatus! You have enough on your plate for sure. And I am the same way as you- if I start, I *have* to finish. So that is why I am not starting 😂 Wishing you the best of luck- but I know you've got this!

Leah @ Quite the Novel Idea said...

Good luck with NaNoWriMo! I'm freestyling it this year, and I'm already behind. XD

Jimmy said...

Love the memes! You ARE an overachiever like that! But it also sounds fun for you. I've been busy, too. I learned how to shop Amazon now that Joy signed us up for Amazon Prime. I took two Friday's off and rode my mountain bike in the bosque along the Rio Grande. I handed out Halloween candy like a boss. I watched lots of baseball. OK. Maybe not as busy as you. Good luck!

The Magic Violinist said...


Thank you! I hope so, too. xD


Thanks! OMG, yeah, I can't imagine trying to keep up a regular blogging schedule on top of everything else. At least you knew you were too busy to even start it. It's probably way less stressful that way!


Ha ha, sounds like my novel right now. xD I'm very behind, at the moment.


Thanks! It's a fun kind of busy. Ha, whether or not you're as busy as me, it sounds like you're having fun, too! We didn't have as many trick-or-treaters this year as we did last year, so there's still lots of leftover candy. ;)

CG @ Paper Fury said...

Ahhh BEST OF LUCK!! I mean sometimes I think NaNo does come at a very bad time for a lot of people, especially being exam season for many and omg end of years are always just super wild and busy! But I'm glad you're squeezing it in and I so hope it's a lot of fun. :D (And best of luck with your performances too!)

The Magic Violinist said...


It does, doesn't it? November is so crazy busy, we're even crazier for attempting this challenge with everything else we have going on! Thank you!

Boquinha said...

You Can Do It! You're doing awesome and you're nearly halfway there. Love you!!

The Magic Violinist said...


Thanks! :) I'm feeling pretty good about my progress!